You can generate extra income for yourself, your loved ones and your heirs when you give this special gift for Food For The Poor – but even more importantly, you take action to have an immediate impact for those we serve at Food For The Poor.
Charitable Gift Annuities
Charitable gift annuities (CGAs) offer a secure, fixed payment stream for yourself and/or a loved one for your lifetime(s). You will also receive tax benefits and the satisfaction of creating a lasting legacy through Food For The Poor.
How it works:
- You donate cash or appreciated securities worth $10,000 or more to Food For The Poor. In return, you and/or another beneficiary will receive fixed payments for life.
- A portion of your payments will be tax-free.
- The older you are – or the longer you defer starting your payment – the higher your payments will be.
*CGAs are not available in all states
Benefits to you include:
- Lifetime payments that will never change.
- Capital gains tax savings when you fund your CGA using appreciated stock.
- You are eligible for an immediate charitable income tax deduction.
- Your gift passes to Food For The Poor outside of the estate process.
- You create your legacy of serving vulnerable children and families.
See Your Impact
Watch how an initiative by Food For The Poor, is empowering people to improve their living conditions and pursue professional achievement.